Friday, October 30, 2009

Week 7 spice cheese! & black pepper! (sry jason, Im outta ideas)

Welcome to my third edition of IPA predictions folks, I am trully sorry from da bottom of my hawt for missing out 4 weeks! Eeks, let me try n make up for those!

Last week, I was away and I couldn't watch any matches, not even mine, but since Im a responsable guy, I'll go and check the scores for the matches and who beat who =)!

Shit started off with Freedom having yet another impressive win [ im not shocked, when it comes to Peter being in charge of course], but wow, im proud of Freedom for being so succesfull thus far and keeping up with EPC! [Tellin ya, the guy won't ever quit]. Peter's the guy btw. Ok im sorry, this is what 2 hours of sleep in 24 hours does to me! Lets continue..So, Adambuddy shocks us with his 6th win in a row, undefeated in IPA! [Gratz bud], and Petey with his 4th loss in a row[S'ok pal]. UO MVP for the week goes to Dave! [plz tell me that was funny =)] Uo's only victor, rest came up short.

Le'z move on to the second match in da scheduale. Oh ya, epic failure to show up by Cuemasters, they left midway like last season. [See, my pre-season preds we're true, after all]. Break n run took a very deserving break after a heck of a match against EPC in week 5!

Then there was the EPC v EC match[lame!]...[Why?]...Only because Jack wasn't there and they missed 2 players :. Jack had to attend a college open house which apparently was cancelled[poor guy!]. Oh by the way happy 17th Jack! [(Im good with dates, Im also ur secret stalker), Shh, don't tell anyone] :-S.. So in conclusion, EPC showed with 4 and rather DESTROYED EC[your not to blame Paul, no wries bud, well honestly, you probably are a bit gulity for allowing immature infants like Duke and Ben play for you]. Basically, EPC won all their games, [probably would have won 6-0 if Jack and his 2 buddies weren't absent], and the final 2 games we're gifted[handed] to EC.

Another good match was MP against MIB [that are 0-5-1], which is not so good. MP performed well last week but I just didn't get the results I expected from them. A good team like MP should easily 6-0 MIB. With Steve, Chris, this stomped dude[idk wtf he is] and Ian, MP succeeded to win the match. They had 1 player missing too is what shocked me. Though MIB has yet to win a match, I can see the effort they are putting in interleagues to earn respect and prove they are good sportsmen.

Here come my lame ones:

EPC Vs. TCC => EPC 4-2

BNR Vs. FR => Tie 3-3

UO Vs. EC => UO 4-2

XP Vs. TC => XP 5-1

BP Vs. MP => MP 5-1

MIB Vs. LS => LS 4-2

Once again I failed, Im sorry..

Friday, October 9, 2009

Week 4!

What an incredible start we've all had![well except for a few lgs that have dropped]. After missing 2 weeks of predicting, I look to redeem myself and give everyone a nice read, ok? K.

Freedom Vs. Extreme Pool Competitors

What an interesting match, interesting enough to be awarded possible match of the week. Freedom[Peter Pan n Co.] are considered top team in IPA this season even though EPC is ahead of them in standings. They've done just great thus far, only 1 tie, no losses. EPC[Jack n Co.] sit at #1 rank for the first time ever for a record breaking 3 weeks in a row. Looking at these 2 rosters, we can predict Freedom to own EPC with ease and i'm sure that's what the other predictors will predict. But it's all down to who'll want it more, who'll be more prepared. Petey wants 1 thing and Jack, another thing. Petey wants the #1 rank and Jack wants to keep his winning streak and not lose it.

Prediction => Tie 3-3

Extreme Cues Vs. Cue Masters

Goodbye Pooloutlaws, hello Extreme cues! Welcome back to IPA folks. Already 3 weeks went by and EC comes in with a -3 losing streak which is BAD. But hopefully they can manage to overcome the unfortunate and get a good winning streak going. While they just came in and didn't play any match in Season 3 yet, I can't say much except Good Luck! We saw CM came more prepared last week than 2 weeks ago vs EPC, but it still wasn't enough. If they wanna start winning matches, they need a full team.

Prediction => Tie 3-3

Ultimate Outlaws Vs. Break And Run

Uo started IPA with a 2-4 loss vs FR, followed by a 6-0 timer win vs PO, followed by a 0-6 horrible loss vs Jack n Co. They are a good league, active, good sportsmanship, always have enough players but they just need a tiny bit of more effort and they can do great. Break n run tied week 1 & 2 finally to have a timer win vs Pool Outlaws last week. While yes I do still believe in BNR Dina, but I wanna see better performance, I wanna see ya'll in Playoff finals again. You did it last season, what's stopping ya from repeating it in this one?

Score => BNR 4-2

Magic Pool Vs. Xtreme Poolerz

Magic Pool[Chris, Jody, Ian n Co.] had a very nice start as they came in last week and defeated True Champs. MP took 8bc's place in IPA and they got their originals back together. Xtreme Poolerz is yet undefeated and trying to leave a mark in IPA and every other interleague they participate in.

Prediction => Tie 3-3

Lucky ShotsVs. True Champs

I havn't really been following these 2 leagues this season in IPA. I looked a bit at LS player stats link and saw they aren't doing so well, I notice a lack of hope, will and determination. Though its still quite early, they have 1 win atleast and if they start concentrating more on winning, they will do well. Same for TC, they are at a bad start, they have 0 win but 3 losses which is NOT good but if they try better, they can make a difference.

Prediction => Lucky Shots Win 4-2

Money In The Bank Vs. Brit Pool

MIB began with a tie vs 8BC and then went on a cold streak. You can't blame them though, they are doing just fine for a new league, atleast they have a full team even though they are new to interleague play, that will change in time. Brit pool been fascinating so far. While yes, they lost Jody, but still they are awesome. I been seeing many people leaving their home lgs and joining up in BP interlgs. Could it be because Jason is the new captain?

Prediction => Britpool Wins 6-0